Friday, July 26, 2019

Genesis Gens

Good afternoon bloggers,

hello and welcome, today's blog is going to be about school Genesis. On the 23rd we had Jess and Jenny from a company called Genesis, They came to teach us about energy.  The school Genesis said that they sell light bulbs for $1 but they are harder to use they also sell $9 light bulbs and those ones are faster and easier to use. Something i learnt 4 natural ways of making electricity here they are: using a windmill, using water, the sun and gas. We got to try the human energy generator. Here is some people that were trying the human energy generator:


Thank you for reading
Would you buy the $9 light bulb or the $1 light bulb


  1. Dear Marwah I really like your Blog post and I think you deserve a prise and I really like the way that you have week hared on your Blog pesto from Aliza


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